Fuck Buddy Dating

A Guide to Casual Sex Hookups

Meeting Girls
winning dating profiles
Winning Profiles
How to write a winning dating profile that steers the date to joyous action.
playing straight
Playing Straight
Play it fairly straight to win, because bluffs will be tested
Only Talk to Local Women
Focus on what's close because the distant is a hard catch
Sell Yourself, but Don't Oversell
Tell her what's good about you, but be sure to deliver
Don't Just Show Up
You've got to bring something interesting, so dazzle her wildly
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Sell Yourself, but Don't Oversell

Putting up a profile on a dating site is like having a resume. It needs to say enough to be interesting, though if you attract interest with boasts and lies, you'll get an interview, only to bomb when she finds out you can't deliver. Don't blow yourself up like a terrorist, but play it cool so you can win your desires.

Now considering the main goal is to raise attraction at the in-person meeting rather than lower it, the clear strategy becomes saying just enough to get her to agree to meet you. Save the really good stuff for game time. The internet is just practice, and all you need is enough to get picked for the team, not the hall of fame. Keeping it basic will barely get you in the door, and barely is plenty.

You ideally want to undersell, giving you an upside when she is impressed. The danger of overselling is that you might raise expectations and fail to deliver, and then you're doomed.

Realistically, you and many other guys are being considered. She has picked you to check out for a test drive, although retaining modest expectations based on your modest profile. However, when you get together, instead of being merely average, you dazzle and amaze, turning the low prospect meeting into a memorable impression. Being better than your profile is a great story for her to tell her friends too, and it's proof you don't boast or fake your public image.

Just say enough to get in the door.

Salesman first sell themselves

Tell her things she wants to hear, and amaze her in person

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